Shepherd University

March 28, 2016

Today I'm back at my alma mater, standing next to a building I spent countless hours in studying business and accounting. I never would have guessed I would be standing outside White Hall 11 years later doing a fashion photo shoot! My CPA background has greatly helped in starting and running my LuLaRoe boutique business!

For my return to Shepherd University, I'm wearing a minty blue LuLaRoe Cassie pencil skirt, a striped tshirt, and floral scarf. I absolutely love pairing stripes and florals together for spring!



Cassie skirt, LULAROE | striped tshirt gap | WHITE tote ralph lauren

Go, Set, Ready!

March 14, 2016

Let's talk a little about life today because something is on my mind I want to share. The last couple of years I have been on quite a whirlwind journey centered upon following my heart. Every day I wake up and can't believe how incredibly blessed I am. I have truly been following what God puts on my heart and following Him wherever He takes me even if it may seem crazy to others. If you knew me 10 years ago you would know I am a planner, I like rules, and I like knowing what is going to happen. But that known path is so boring!!! Living in the present moment and listening to your heart takes you places you could never imagine. If you are waiting for the right time to follow your dreams, you may as well give up because there will never be a right time. But if you trust God and take a step into the water fully trusting that He will part the sea, amazing things will happen! Just go, then you can get set and ready while you are on the way.

Today I am living the life of my dreams as a LuLaRoe fashion consultant! One of the best things about owning my own LuLaRoe boutique is I get first dibs on what I want to keep from my shipments! Today I paired a beautiful, bright pair of coral LuLaRoe leggings with a striped Irma tunic, a floral Cassie skirt worn as a scarf (versatility!!!), and a denim shirt I have had in my closet as a staple for years. I'm feeling, comfortable, casual, and ready to conquer my dreams!



Irma Tunic, LULAROE | LEGGINGS LULAROE | Cassie Skirt (scarf) LuLaRoe
sperry Boat shoes, sold out, similar here |  JEWELRY, CHLOE + ISABEL  

Pantyhose are No No's!

March 5, 2016

Spring is finally around the corner, and I couldn't be happier! I am ready to start wearing spring dresses and fun colors, but it's still a bit chilly out for bare legs. In the past I would have squeezed into pantyhose, felt uncomfortable, and decided to put my dresses back in my closet until it's a little warmer out. But watch out pantyhose, there's a new leg warmer in town called leggings!!!! If you haven't heard, LuLaRoe leggings feel like butter!!! Leggings don't snag and don't make you feel like a sausage by cutting off your circulation. LuLaRoe leggings come in all colors to match your pretty spring dresses and skirts and are available to fit sizes 0-22. Bright colored leggings are a definite "do" for spring, so throw away your pantyhose and shop LuLaRoe to find your spring leggings!

Today I paired a spring Amelia dress with my bright teal leggings and booties for the perfect transition from winter to spring!



amelia dress, LULAROE | Leggings LULAROE |